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November 16, 2022

Does Mass Text Marketing Really Work?

When it comes to marketing to large audiences, companies have their work cut out for them. Reaching large crowds with effective communication that will give you a high ROI is a challenge, but it’s not impossible. There are a lot of great resources for marketing teams to tap into when it comes to reaching mass audiences like radio, television, OOH, or even email marketing.

One option that has been proven to be reliable and produce good results, is mass text marketing. This form of marketing has been shown to have a high ROI, and it is cost-effective for its results. Text message marketing has been shown to be highly effective as a means of communication that customers appreciate. When it comes to choosing which method works best for your company, using a mass texting service does have its benefits.

If you have been wondering what exactly mass texting services are, and how they work to impress customers, reduce churn, and successfully market to large audiences, here is everything you need to know!

What Exactly is a Mass texting Service?

The first thing that you have to know, is that mass texting services set themselves apart from the competition in the world of marketing for one reason - it isn’t spam marketing. Spam marketing is something that customers are all too familiar with, and represents one of the reasons why it’s so hard to make an impact on customers.

The truth is, advancements in technology and communication have created an environment that is hard for marketing companies to navigate. The modern consumer not only has more access to information at their fingertips than ever before, but they are also more inundated with messaging and advertising. Every social media platform, website, or podcast they enjoy has some kind of sponsored advertising. While these advancements have strong benefits, the drawback is that it can be difficult to stand out from the crowd.

That’s where mass texting services can offer something unique. A mass text is something that customers appreciate because it’s a small piece of information that is delivered in one of the most convenient ways possible. Instead of having to search a spam folder for a promo code, or click a link on a video, mass texting services send information straight to a customer’s phone.

This level of convenience is hard to match, and combined with keyword campaigns, marketing teams can add a level of engagement that is also unique. What are keyword campaigns and how do they help your marketing department succeed?

Keyword Campaigns, a Powerful Tool For Engagement

One of the biggest advantages to using mass texting services is the fact that this method of mass marketing has the ability to use keyword engagement. This allows for marketing teams to send an introductory message to a customer that allows them to engage and receive further information if they choose.

For example, a marketing department that is trying to advertise a flash sale can send an introductory message with a keyword prompt that if activated will then automatically send more information. This could be something like a promo code, or specifics that the customer actually cares about.

The reason this helps mass texting services be successful in customer engagement is that it’s one of the few marketing strategies that put the power of the information in the hands of the customer. When they respond, it creates a unique engagement that not many forms of marketing can offer. This can give further insight into the customer and help boost analytics. It also gives the customer a chance to opt-out of information.

In a world where consumers are used to being spammed constantly, mass texting services offer something unique, refreshing, and definitely not spam.

So Who Does Mass Texting Services Work For?

When someone receives a text from a mass texting service, it’s nothing like a large group message. Instead, every interaction is handled on an individual level and automation can be built out to guide that interaction and experience to the desired conclusion. The benefit of using a mass texting service is that it doesn’t just have to be used by marketing teams.

This can be used by non-profits that need a way of communicating with volunteers with automation that can help get information out in an efficient manner. This could also be used by professionals like lawyers, car dealerships, or real estate agents who want an effective way of communicating with their clients.


The benefit to non-marketing teams using a mass texting service is that the information is much less likely to be lost by volunteers, clients, or employees. Rather than sending it in an email where it can be quickly lost to a spam folder, or buried in a cluttered inbox, mass texting can offer effective advantages for both marketing and non-marketing use.

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